My littlest turned one last month. This last year has been a whirlwind for me. It's definitely been an adjustment for all of us. For me it meant back to the land of little sleep and the busy that a baby brings. For my older son it meant learning how to share and look out for his little brother - which is still a work in progress. Through it all, we have made it through the first year as a family of four (or six if you count the fur-children), and I wouldn't have it any other way. So, Townes, happy birthday. Here's to the next year of adventure.
To celebrate the occasion we had a little photo shoot. I don't do "studio" type sessions anymore since I don't really have the space for it since we moved, but I couldn't resist, since I did the same for my first kiddo.
We started off in his birthday duds. How cute is this "1" shirt. I couldn't resist. This is the first time we've done photos like this, so he wasn't too sure about it.
Next up was the traditional Cake Smash. For being such a messy eater, I really expected him to make much more of a mess than he did with his smash cake. I designed his room with a woodland theme and carried it over into his birthday theme as well. Fresh berries and foxes for T it was.
For his party, we went woodland style again. Carrot cake with cream cheese icing, butter cake with berry buttercream. Yum! Can you tell I like making cakes? Townes had his own little mini cake, which again, he didn't make much of a mess of, surprisingly. Big brother, Elliot helped him open his gifts. It was a lot of fun.
While I don't shoot studio sessions anymore, I do still shoot outdoor cake smash sessions when the weather is nice. They are a lot of fun and a little bit of a change. If your little one is celebrating their first birthday this spring/summer I'd love to do a session for you!