Lake adventures with the kids on a gloriously warm spring evening in Alberta.
Blossoms Amongst the Green - Edmonton Family Lifestyle Photographer
Of course I couldn't resist taking my own kids out during blossom week. I'm not going to lie, prior to this year's "Blossom Watch 2016" I didn't always jump at the opportunity to photograph these pretty pink flowers. I'm not sure why, because I had a lot of fun with them this year. I also fell in love with the amazing white blossoms in some of the photos below. We even decided to bring our pups along for the adventure.
Easter 2016 - Edmonton Family Lifestyle Photographer
We had a pretty eventful Easter weekend. It's always nice to have a long weekend together, especially after the last few busy months. Our every day life is pretty hectic, with trying to keep up with the kids, and the house, so I like to try to schedule in different activities for us to do when we can. Keeps things interesting, and is a little refresher for us.
We started the weekend off out at Prairie Gardens Adventure Farm. We have annual passes, so we like to get out a few times every season. There's so much to do there, so the kids don't get bored.
Elliot got to hold a little chick for the first time. It was pretty much the sweetest thing ever. The chick snuggled up in his hands and fell asleep, and Elliot was SO careful not to move. I took a turn afterwards, because who can resist holding one. They are the sweetest.
He also went on a little Easter egg hunt, and we saw some farm animals and had pancakes. All in all a good day. Here are a few of my favourites from that afternoon.

On Saturday we painted our eggs.

I've been trying to learn more about video, when I find some spare time. I decided to try my hand at a little stop motion video from our Easter egg painting:
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend as well!
Greenhouse Adventure - Edmonton Children Lifestyle Photographer
I don't have a very strong green thumb, but I love plants and flowers. It's a little bit contradictory, right? Well, even with my slightly brown thumb, I have a hibiscus I've managed to keep alive for almost ten years. It's needed to be re-potted for a while now, so we packed up the kids and took a trip to the greenhouse - one of our favourite places - to pick up a new pot and some soil. We browsed, shopped, and the kids enjoyed some lunch while we enjoyed our americanos. It made for a nice afternoon, since the weather was pretty chilly that day.
Here are some of my favourite photos from our adventure:

Townes Turns One
My littlest turned one last month. This last year has been a whirlwind for me. It's definitely been an adjustment for all of us. For me it meant back to the land of little sleep and the busy that a baby brings. For my older son it meant learning how to share and look out for his little brother - which is still a work in progress. Through it all, we have made it through the first year as a family of four (or six if you count the fur-children), and I wouldn't have it any other way. So, Townes, happy birthday. Here's to the next year of adventure.
To celebrate the occasion we had a little photo shoot. I don't do "studio" type sessions anymore since I don't really have the space for it since we moved, but I couldn't resist, since I did the same for my first kiddo.
We started off in his birthday duds. How cute is this "1" shirt. I couldn't resist. This is the first time we've done photos like this, so he wasn't too sure about it.

Next up was the traditional Cake Smash. For being such a messy eater, I really expected him to make much more of a mess than he did with his smash cake. I designed his room with a woodland theme and carried it over into his birthday theme as well. Fresh berries and foxes for T it was.

For his party, we went woodland style again. Carrot cake with cream cheese icing, butter cake with berry buttercream. Yum! Can you tell I like making cakes? Townes had his own little mini cake, which again, he didn't make much of a mess of, surprisingly. Big brother, Elliot helped him open his gifts. It was a lot of fun.

While I don't shoot studio sessions anymore, I do still shoot outdoor cake smash sessions when the weather is nice. They are a lot of fun and a little bit of a change. If your little one is celebrating their first birthday this spring/summer I'd love to do a session for you!